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Art for Well Being





‘A person who is master of themselves can end a sorrow as easily as they can invent a pleasure. I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, to feel them and to dominate them’

Oscar Wilde


Stillness, peace, and a sense of calm are often found in the quiet moments we use for introspective journaling. All creative expression can be placed in the safe space of a wellbeing journal.

Journals for wellbeing can become constant companions, sometimes being artfully constructed, at other times simply written, collaged, or drawn.

The medical profession has for some time supported and seen the efficacy of creative writing and journal keeping for wellbeing. Creativity in all its various forms is now being seen as a cornerstone for mental health and wellbeing.

Journal keeping for wellness has curative benefits because issues of concern, personal worries and emotional upheaval can all be approached and understood through journal writing and creativity. Ultimately leading to problem solving and decision making.

Journaling for wellbeing is now widely used by arts therapists in many different environments and settings because creativity in all its forms has been shown to unlock areas of the subconscious and in turn may contribute to unpacking deeply buried concerns and hurts. Journaling is often referred to as ‘soul medicine’, as we cope with our everyday worries or more serious illness and disability. 


Arts therapy is something of a bliss in its creative approach to helping others because it requires no artistic ability to participate.

There are two pathways:

#Art as therapy – which is about the exploration and enjoyment of getting creative. Rediscovering a sense of play or stillness in having space away from the constraints of day-to-day life. Often described as a creative sanctuary.

#Psychotherapeutic arts therapy  - combines art and psychology and is another way for people to express themselves when words are not enough. It becomes a way of working through, and expressing creatively, worrisome thoughts and feelings, with a view to learning new ways of responding and coping.


Both pathways are widely used in the fields of health and wellness. Evidence based research recognizes arts therapy as being therapeutically beneficial for self-expression, self-esteem, and overall wellbeing.




Our Arts Therapist:


Lorraine Beven (MA.(Ath). ArthR(Hons), BA.BUS.Psych, Cert.Soc.Work, Dip.Law) 
Specalising in Wellbeing and resilience, Creative Curiosity, Self-esteem and personal development, Communication and coping stragies.  

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